Why Do Chihuahuas Sleep So Much? Could It Be a Cause for Concern?

As a new chihuahua owner, you may be surprised that your furry friend sleeps a lot. You may be asking yourself: “Is something wrong with my chihuahua? 

Should they be sleeping this much?” Don’t worry. You’re not alone. Many new chihuahua owners are taken aback by how much their dogs sleep. 

But before you panic, it’s essential to understand that chihuahuas have different sleep patterns than larger dogs. Sleeping is a crucial part of their daily routine. 

So, why do chihuahuas sleep so much? Let’s explore this fascinating topic and uncover the reasons behind your chihuahua’s excessive napping habits.

Why Do Chihuahuas Sleep So Much? 

Like many small dog breeds, Chihuahuas tend to sleep more than larger dogs. This is because their small size means they have a higher metabolism and burn energy faster, which can lead to fatigue and a need for more rest. 

Additionally, chihuahuas are often kept as indoor pets. As a result, they may not have as much opportunity for physical activity as larger dogs, which can also contribute to their tendency to sleep more. 

It’s important to ensure your chihuahua gets enough exercise and mental stimulation to keep them healthy and happy.

How Many Hours a Day Do Chihuahuas Sleep?

Chihuahuas are known for their love of napping, and it’s common for them to nap for a large part of the day. While every dog is unique, on average, a chihuahua will sleep between 12 and 14 hours per day. However, several factors can influence how much a chihuahua sleeps, including.

  1. Age: Puppies and older dogs tend to sleep more than adult dogs.
  2. Activity level: Chihuahuas that are more active during the day may need more rest to recover.
  3. Health: Dogs that are not feeling well may sleep more than usual.
  4. Environment: If a chihuahua feels safe and comfortable in its environment, it may sleep more.

So, if your chihuahua sleeps a lot, it’s likely perfectly normal. However, suppose you notice a sudden change in your dog’s sleeping habits or are concerned about their health. In that case, it’s always best to consult your veterinarian.

Do Chihuahuas Sleep More Than Other Dog Breeds?

Yes, chihuahuas are known to sleep more than other dog breeds, significantly larger ones. Here’s a table comparing chihuahuas to other dog breeds and their sleeping habits:

Dog BreedAverage Sleep TimeActivity LevelSleep Patterns
Chihuahua12-14 hoursLowDeep sleep with short naps throughout the day
Labrador Retriever12-14 hoursHighDeep sleep at night, occasional naps during the day
Border Collie12-14 hoursHighDeep sleep at night, occasional naps during the day
Bulldog12-14 hoursLowDeep sleep with occasional snoring during the day
Greyhound14-16 hoursLowDeep sleep with occasional naps throughout the day

As you can see, the chihuahuas smallest dog in this list, tend to sleep as much as larger breeds, but this is perfectly normal for their small size and high metabolism. Therefore, providing them with plenty of mental stimulation and exercise when awake is crucial to keep them happy.

Is It Normal For Chihuahuas To Sleep All Day?

Absolutely! It’s normal for chihuahuas to sleep for extended periods throughout the day. However, Chihuahuas are known for being light sleepers and nap frequently. Here are some reasons why chihuahuas sleep so much:

  1. High metabolism: Chihuahuas have a fast metabolism, which means they use up their energy quickly and need more rest to recharge.
  2. Small size: Because chihuahuas are small dogs, they have smaller muscles and require less physical activity to maintain their health.
  3. Indoor pets: Many chihuahuas are kept as indoor pets and may have fewer opportunities to engage in physical activity, leading to more time for sleeping.
  4. Age: Like all dogs, chihuahuas tend to sleep more as they age.

So, if you find that your chihuahua is sleeping a lot, don’t worry. It’s perfectly normal and healthy for them to do so. However, it is important to ensure they get enough exercise and mental stimulation during their waking hours. Try taking your chihuahua for a walk, playing with them, or engaging them in training sessions to keep them active and happy.

Can Chihuahuas Have Sleep Disorders?

Just like humans, chihuahuas can experience sleep disorders. So it’s important to be aware of the signs and symptoms so you can help your furry friend get the rest they need. Here are some common sleep disorders chihuahuas can experience:


Chihuahuas with insomnia have trouble falling or staying asleep. This can be caused by anxiety, pain, or discomfort, among other factors.

Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is when a person or animal’s breathing is interrupted during sleep. For example, Chihuahuas with sleep apnea may snore loudly or gasp for air during the night.


This is a neurological disorder that causes sudden, uncontrollable episodes of sleep. Chihuahuas with narcolepsy may fall asleep at random times, even during play or while eating.

Restless Leg Syndrome

Restless leg syndrome is when a person or animal experiences uncomfortable sensations in its legs, which can disrupt sleep. For example, Chihuahuas with restless leg syndrome may kick or twitch their legs during sleep.

If you suspect your chihuahua may have a sleep disorder, speaking with your veterinarian is essential. They can help diagnose and treat any underlying conditions causing the problem and suggest lifestyle changes to improve your chihuahua’s sleep habits.

How Can I Make Sure My Chihuahua Is Getting Enough sleep?

As a chihuahua owner, you want to make sure your furry friend is getting enough sleep. So here are some tips to help ensure your chihuahua is getting the rest they need:

By following these tips, you can help ensure your chihuahua gets the rest they need to stay healthy.

Do Chihuahuas Need More Sleep As They Get Older?

Yes they do! As chihuahuas age, they may require more sleep than when they were younger. Here are some reasons why:

  1. Decreased Energy Levels: Just like humans, chihuahuas tend to have less energy as they age. This can mean they need more rest to feel their best.
  2. Health Issues: As chihuahuas age, they may develop health issues requiring more sleep to aid their recovery. For example, if your chihuahua has arthritis, it may need more sleep to alleviate joint pain.
  3. Changes in Sleep Patterns: It’s common for dogs to experience changes in their sleep patterns as they age. This can mean they sleep more during the day and wake up more at night, disrupting their sleep schedule.

However, it’s important to note that excessive sleeping in senior chihuahuas could also indicate an underlying health issue

Suppose you notice a significant increase in your chihuahua’s sleeping habits. In that case, it’s always best to consult your veterinarian to rule out potential health concerns.

Is It True That Chihuahuas Sleep Less In The Summer?

That’s a great question. Let’s find out if it’s true that chihuahuas sleep less in the summer.

Chihuahuas may sleep less in the summer due to increased activity levels.

Chihuahuas may be more active during the summer months due to warmer temperatures and longer days. They may have more opportunities to play, exercise, and explore outside with more daylight hours. As a result, they may need less sleep to recover and recharge.

Chihuahuas may sleep more in the summer due to heat exhaustion.

On the other hand, extreme heat can cause chihuahuas to sleep more, not less. So when it’s hot outside, they may become lethargic and rest more in a cool, shaded area. 

This is their way of conserving energy and avoiding heat exhaustion.

It depends on the individual dog’s preferences and environment.

Whether chihuahuas sleep less or more in the summer depends on the individual dog and their living situation. Some chihuahuas may thrive in the heat and enjoy spending more time outside, while others may prefer to stay indoors and sleep more to avoid the heat. 

It’s essential to monitor your chihuahua’s behavior and adjust their routine to ensure they are comfortable and healthy.

Why Do Chihuahuas Sometimes Sleep With Their Eyes Open?

If you’re a new chihuahua owner, you may be surprised to find your furry friend sleeping with their eyes open. Don’t worry. 

This is typical behavior for chihuahuas and is generally not a cause for concern. However, here are a few reasons your chihuahua might sleep with their eyes open:

REM Sleep

Chihuahuas, like all dogs, experience Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep. During this stage of sleep, their eyes rush, and their body is completely relaxed. 

It’s common for chihuahuas to sleep with their eyes open during REM sleep, as their muscles are entirely flexible, including the ones that keep their eyes shut.


Chihuahuas are known for being alert and vigilant. Sleeping with their eyes open allows them to watch for any potential danger while they rest. It’s a natural defense mechanism that helps them stay safe and protected.

Vision Problems

Sometimes, chihuahuas may sleep with their eyes open due to vision problems. For example, suppose your chihuahua sleeps consistently with their eyes open or has trouble closing them. 

In that case, it’s vital to have them checked by a veterinarian to rule out any underlying eye issues.

In conclusion, chihuahuas sleeping with their eyes open is a typical behavior and is usually not a cause for concern. It’s simply a natural instinct that helps them stay alert and protected or a result of deep relaxation during REM sleep. 

However, if you notice any persistent issues with your chihuahua’s eyes, in that case, it’s always best to consult a veterinarian to ensure their health and wellbeing.

Final Thoughts

I hope you found the information helpful and informative as you end this post. We’ve covered why chihuahuas sleep so much and why they are fascinating creatures with unique behaviors.

Remember to watch your furry friend’s sleeping habits, but don’t worry too much if they like to nap a lot – it’s just part of their daily routine. 

To summarize, chihuahuas are excellent pets with exciting habits and behaviors. This post has given you a better understanding of why they sleep so much and why they may sometimes sleep with their eyes open. 

As always, thank you for reading and being a part of our community of chihuahua lovers!

If you want to know more about Chihuahuas don’t forget to check out these other articles: