When Does a Child’s Addiction to Video Games Become a Problem? [Explained]

Parents have been worried for many years about the impact of video games on their child’s behavior.

Most parents believe that video games take time away from other beneficial activities. And there is concern over violent video games that promote aggressive and antisocial conduct in children.

But, several researchers and psychologists agree that video games offer some advantages, including making youngsters brighter.

A good indication your child may be out of control when playing video games is if grades start slipping. Or they become short-tempered and agitated when asked to complete tasks.

So, how beneficial or harmful are video games for children? Keep reading to find out more.

How Much Time Does Your Child Spend Playing Video Games Each day?

Video games have become an integral part of modern childhood. However, as parents, we must ensure that our kids spend only a little time in virtual worlds.

While occasional gameplay can be a fun and enjoyable diversion, hours spent away from physical activities and outdoor play can be detrimental.

How many hours a week does the average kid play video games?

A good rule of thumb is to limit gaming to one hour a day or three hours a week – after that, the danger of addictive behavior increases.

Additionally, it’s essential to remain vigilant when monitoring the content they are exposed to. Pay attention to ratings and review platforms like Common Sense Media so you know what kind of violence, language, and adult content lurks within your child’s gaming library.

Being informed on these matters and setting boundaries will help you protect your child while ensuring they don’t miss out on the other great benefits of childhood! 

And if all else fails, turn off the console! They’ll thank you for it later!

What Kind of Video Games Does Your Child Play? 

When it comes to keeping an eye on our children, one danger that looms large is the kind of video games they play.

Many parents have a look of trepidation when their child picks up a controller and starts queuing up a game involving intense explosions, weapons, or danger. After all, not all games are meant for children.

A decent guardian needs to be able to stay informed about what dangerous video games their kids are playing. Or else danger could come quite literally right into their home.

There are many reasons to enjoy video games. Still, parenting savvy is necessary for keeping risky games out of the house and out of the hands of our children.

That way, we can rest assured that the only danger our children face is finding which level is too hard to beat – the sole real risk our children should face!

Are They Neglecting Their Schoolwork or Other Responsibilities to Play Video Games?

If your child is skipping school and other duties, their video gaming habit may be problematic.

The fact that your child’s grades are beginning to drop is a clear sign that he or she may be out of control when playing video games. When asked to do out responsibilities, they either lose their temper or grow upset.

Suppose your child neglects their academic, social, or familial responsibilities due to video games. In that case, it’s a sign that you may need to step in and establish healthy boundaries.

It may not be easy, but as a parent, you must be willing to put your foot down and set appropriate limits on video game time. Ensuring your child is still taking care of their other responsibilities is essential.

What are the negative effects of video games to students?

The following are some of the most frequently seen adverse impacts of video games:

  • Poor sleep hygiene
  • Physical health atrophy
  • Exhaustion
  • Dehydration
  • Obesity and heart problems
  • Aggression
  • Lack of motivation
  • Depression
  • Suicidal thoughts
  • Social anxiety
  • Poor emotional regulation
  • Interpersonal conflict

It may include limiting playtime to certain hours and setting the alarm if they need motivation. Even temporarily removing the gaming console from the house until they can get their priorities back in order.

Whatever you decide, the most important thing is that your child learns how to balance video game play with other responsibilities. This way so they can still have fun while staying on track!

By watching for signs of neglecting schoolwork and other duties, you can help ensure that your kid’s health and well-being are always at the top of your list.

This way, they can still enjoy gaming while staying on track with their other activities and responsibilities! 

Do They Get Angry or Frustrated When They Cannot Play Video Games?

Another sign that your child may be overindulging in gaming is if they get overly angry or frustrated when they cannot play video games.

Suppose your child has become entirely dependent on video games to entertain themselves and expresses excessive anger when they can’t. In that case, it’s a good indication that you need to intervene.

Encouraging your child to switch up their activities and focus on other interests can help them break their habit of excessive gaming.

Diversion tactics such as going for a ride, playing outdoor games, or doing a craft project can be great options for keeping the attention away from video games.

Consider getting your child involved in sports, music, or theater. Involving him in activities that can help them stay active and healthy while still having fun.

Overall, it’s essential to set boundaries when it comes to gaming so it doesn’t become a source of frustration or an addiction.

Have You Tried Setting Rules About How Much Video Gaming is Allowed in Your Household?

Finally, parents should also ensure that their children adhere to the rules set around video gaming.

Have you tried setting rules about how much and what type of video gaming is allowed in your household, and do they follow the rules you set for them?

How Do You Set Video Game Limits?

Setting limits on game time and kind can help prevent your youngster from becoming addicted to video games.

Be sure to explain why these rules are in place and are consistent in enforcing them.

If your child then begins to ignore the rules, it’s time for a deeper conversation about their gaming habits.

Parents need to monitor and regulate their children’s gaming activities to ensure they are not getting carried away or negatively affecting their lives.

Encourage your child to explore and participate in other activities. For example, sports activities, hobbies, or spending time with friends will help them stay engaged and keep their minds healthy.

You can also put aside time for your child to play video games, but ensure it’s balanced with other activities to help them stay on track and still have some fun.

How Much is Video Game Time Too Much?

It’s normal for a parent to worry about how much time their child spends playing video games.

You may wonder if your child’s screen time is healthy or harmful to their development.

Fortunately, this subject has been examined by professionals who have developed some valuable recommendations.

Following the American Academy of Pediatrics guidelines, two to five-year-olds should not spend more than one hour per day in front of any screen (TV, computer, or tablet).

According to the recommendations, there should be a daily cap of two hours for kids aged six and up. They do, however, concede that there is a lack of evidence to back up such restrictions on screen usage at the present moment.

Another study found that children who spend more than two hours per day playing video games are more likely to be overweight or obese, have poorer grades, and get less sleep. 

However, it’s important to note that this study did not prove that playing video games caused these problems. 

Children who are overweight or obese may be more likely to play video games to cope with their feelings. Or kids who don’t do well in school turn to video gaming as an escape. 

So, What Should Parents Do? 

If you’re concerned about your child’s video game habit, the best thing to do is talk to them about it. Then, try to limit how much time they can play each day and encourage them to find other activities they enjoy. 

It’s also important to monitor the types of games they’re playing. For example, suppose you’re concerned about violence. In that case, there are many age-appropriate games available that don’t contain any violence at all. 


It’s normal for parents to worry about their children spending too much time playing video games. However, some evidence suggests that too much gaming can lead to problems.

Such problems can be obesity and poor grades. If you’re concerned about your child’s gaming habits, you can talk to them and limit how much time they can play each day.

You should also monitor the types of games they’re playing to ensure they’re appropriate for their age.