What Are Praying Mantis Good For? [Find Out Here]

Chinese Praying Mantis

The praying mantis is a fascinating creature that has many unique qualities. For example, some people also believe that praying mantises bring good luck.

In addition to being excellent predators and an excellent asset to every garden, another amazing fact is that they can also take down much larger prey than themselves. Actually, they even can eat small birds and rodents.

Praying mantises are beneficial insects that help control pests in gardens and farms. However, they are predators that hunt and eat other insects, including many that damage crops. While they can occasionally harm small, delicate plants, praying mantises generally do more good than harm in the garden.

Praying mantises are predators that help to control pest populations. By consuming small insects, praying mantises help keep the population of harmful insects under control. This makes them an essential asset in any garden or landscape.

Exciting Facts About Praying Mantises

Praying mantises can eat prey that is up to three times their size. Their large appetite and ability to eat such a wide variety of games make them an excellent addition to any garden.

Also, these amazing insects are excellent climbers and can even walk on water. Their long legs and agile bodies allow them to move quickly and climb easily.

Praying mantises are masters of camouflage and can be challenging to spot. They are usually green or brown and blend in with the leaves on plants. However, they may raise their front legs in a defensive posture that looks like they pray when they feel threatened.

Another curious fact about this insect is that it can turn its heads 180 degrees to scan their surroundings for prey or predators. This is because they have large compound eyes that give them a wide field of view.

Praying mantises are predators that use their long front legs to capture prey. Typically, we can find them in gardens and forests where they can find plenty of food.

Are Praying Mantises Good For My Garden?

While they can help keep some pest populations in check, most standards do not consider a natural pest control method. In some cases, praying mantis might even do more harm than good in the garden!

Some people do choose to keep praying mantis as pets! In these situations, they can be beneficial. For example, if you have a praying mantis as a pet, you can hand-feed it pests from your garden so that it will help to control them.

In general, praying mantids are not considered good or bad for gardens. They are simply another predator that can help keep some pests in check. So if you have a praying mantis in your garden, there is no need to worry about it.

Species of Praying Mantis

There are around 2,400 species of praying mantis in the world. We find them in most tropical and temperate regions. Here are some of the most popular and unique praying mantis:

  • Sphodromantis viridis
  • Mantis coagulata
  • Tenodera aridifolia
  • Althaea cannas
  • Ameles decolor
  • Empusa fasciata
  • Hestiasula Arizona
  • Idolomantis diabolica
  • Pseudocreobotra ocellifera
  • Stagmomantis carolina

Depending on the species, praying mantis come in many different colors and patterns. Some are green, while others are brown or gray. Some have stripes, while others have spots.

What Attracts Praying Mantis To Your Yard?

There is no definitive answer to this question. The praying mantis, like most insects, has a distinct flavor to other things. However, some things might attract them to your yard.

Does Praying Mantis Stay In One Place?

One thing that might attract them is a good supply of food. If you have a lot of pests in your yard, they will be attracted to them. They are attracted to places where there are many insects, such as near a light at night.

Another thing that might attract them is a good hiding spot. If you have dense foliage or a lot of trees and shrubs, the praying mantids will have somewhere to hide during the day. They also like to hide in the crevices of buildings.

So, while no one thing will attract them, having a good supply of food and a good hiding spot will increase the chance that they will be in your yard.

How Do You Get a Praying Mantis to Stay in Your Garden?

There is no guarantee that a praying mantis will stay in your garden, even if it is a good place for them.  After all, they are wild animals, and they may move on if they find a better place to hunt or hide.

There are a few things you can do to make your garden more attractive to praying mantids. Here are some:

First, make sure there is a good supply of food

They’ll be eager to hunt down prey, which means they’ll have a lot of food. You can also hand-feed them pests from your garden so that they will help to control them.

Second, provide a good hiding spot

This could be dense foliage, trees, shrubs, or even the crevices of buildings. The more places they have to hide, the more likely they will stay in your garden.

Third, try to create a habitat similar to their natural environment.

Praying mantis come from tropical and subtropical areas, so try to recreate that environment in your garden. It means keeping the temperature warm and the humidity high.

Fourth, release them into your garden at night.

Praying mantids are most active at night, so this is when they are most likely to stay in your garden.

While there is no guarantee that a praying mantis will stay in your garden, following these tips will increase their chances.

If you bring in a praying mantis from the wild, releasing it into your garden at night is better. It will allow it to acclimate to its new surroundings and find a good hiding spot.

What Is a Praying Mantis Favorite Food?

The mantises will prefer certain insect prey species depending on the type of environment they grow up in. For example, in agricultural areas, mantises that are active during the day may prefer to eat crop pests such as aphids, while those who are more active at night may go for moths or crickets.

Some mantis species even specialize in eating certain types of prey, such as the Chinese Mantis, which is known to eat primarily leafhoppers, while the Carolina Mantis has a liking for caterpillars.

In general, though, mantises are not too fussy when it comes to their meals and will quite happily feast on any type of small insect that they can catch and subdue.

So, what do praying mantises eat? Just about anything like:

  • Ants
  • Flies
  • Caterpillars
  • Mosquitoes
  • And Aphids

Does Praying Mantis Stay In One Place?

Their way of life depends on their habitat and the species, but generally, a praying mantis is a sit-and-wait predator. This means that they stay in one place until an unsuspecting victim wanders by within range, and then they strike! However, some species can move quite fast if they need to.

How Does a Praying Mantis Catch Its Prey?

Praying mantises are ambush predators, meaning they sit and wait for their prey to come to them. Then, the mantis strikes with lightning speed when an unsuspecting victim wanders by within range! Their long-equipped and powerful front legs with spines help to grip their struggling prey.

Praying Mantis Lifespan

The lifespan of a praying mantis depends on the species and the environment. For example, in captivity, Chinese mantids (Tenodera aridifolia) can live up to six months. However, in the wild, they usually only live for about two to three months.

Do Flowers Attract Praying Mantis To My Garden?

Some flowers do attract praying mantis, especially those that are white or light-colored. This is because the flowers reflect UV light, which is invisible to us but attracts insects. Some of the best flowers to attract praying mantis include:

  • Alyssum
  • Cosmos
  • Dill
  • Fennel
  • Marigold
  • Zinnia 

Keep in mind that while these flowers may attract mantids to your garden, they will also attract other insects. So, if you’re trying to attract mantis for pest control, you may want to consider planting these flowers near the areas where you have the most problems with pests.


If you are looking for ways to bring more wildlife into your garden, the praying mantis is a great option. They are fascinating creatures that can be beneficial in controlling pests, and they are relatively easy to attract to your yard if you know what to do.

With a little bit of effort, you can create a hospitable environment for these fascinating insects and enjoy their company for years to come. Have you tried attracting praying mantises to your garden? What methods have worked best for you?

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