Social Media: 7 Best Attitudes to Avoid Crumbling Your Relationship

Social networks destroy relationships because we are living in a time where people care more about their cell phones than about their partners.

This virtual need has been growing steadily and consequently destroying many relationships.

But it is also necessary to remember that what destroys relationships is not exactly social networks.It is the way people use it.

For instance, people can also use social media as a form of communication between family and relatives.

These are the reasons:

1. Create A Joint Couple’s Profile

2. Don’t Hide Or Expose

3. State That You’re In A Relationship

4. Control The Time On Social Media

5. Don’t Expose Too Much of Your Private Life

6. Don’t Look Into Your Mate’s Social Media

7. Don’t Make Threats

There’s nothing wrong with that, right?

But some people use it as a way to commit infidelity.

In this post, I’ll explain the main reasons why social media can destroy your relationship.

And I will also show you some behaviors you’ll have to accept to avoid this happening to you and your partner.

Social Media Can End Relationships Like This

With a few clicks, social media can completely destroy your relationship.

In less than five minutes, a person can easily set up an unfaithful meeting with someone else, and you’d have no clue about it!

It is so easy to do. And this is the reason why many relationships fall apart. 

Just as quickly as a relationship ends, the beginning of another one is just as fast. Thanks to social networks.

This can also be a motive why people have a hard time trying to keep their relationship afloat. 

They know ending it is easier and simpler.

And so, with a few clicks, she can find another person to meet.

This ends up leaving people very detached as well.

Social media doesn’t just destroy, it can also bring other kinds of problems into someone’s relationship.

And when they aren’t fixed, negative consequences arise. Divorces and break-ups are among the most common results.

Social Networks Can Damage Relationships Because Of This

Next, I’ll explain the most obvious reasons. I will also explain what they are.

  • Jealousy

Since today it is so easy to look at people, for example lusting after women on the internet, it allows jealousy to enter the relationship.

Jealousy can tear apart your relationship.

A lot of people hide their real social status on the internet. Obviously, this brings much distrust and jealousy.

It leads to lying, and when a couple lies to each other they are on the wrong track already.

And that behavior can lead to the next factor.

  •  Insecurity

Many people are scared to share their phone information with their partners. They may feel as if they have no privacy, especially in their social media life

They hate the idea of their partner constantly looking through their phone.

This makes the other person feel very insecure. When someone does not trust the other, it is natural to want to know what is going on.

This causes discomfort to the one who is living a dishonest life. They will always complain that you are disrespecting their privacy as an excuse.

A couple that leads such a life is not grounded in trust and faithfulness. They will always live in insecurity and uncertainty.

Sooner or later, they will question the future of their relationship and if it can last.

  • Lack of attention 

It is very common for people not to pay attention to their partners. They are so busy and interested in new relationships, they end up ignoring the other. 

Meeting new people is very exciting and takes a lot of our attention. Social media is a world where you get what you are looking for in no time. 

It’s like being a kid in a candy store. It quickly becomes an addiction. 

Why have a boring conversation with your partner, when now you have a chance to know the whole world is waiting to ‘talk’ to us through social media?

They think “If I can talk to ten people at the same time, isn’t it better than talking to just one?”

Some people in committed relationships want to keep living a ‘single’ lifestyle.

They want to live with the same freedom between friends.

In this way, they will never be prepared for long-lasting relationships.

Certas pessoas comprometidas ainda querem viver a mesma vida de quando eram solteiras. Querem viver com a mesma liberdade entre amigos.

Desta maneira nunca irão estar preparadas para relacionamentos longos.

This is really a sad reality.

  • The ease of meeting other people

We have never had so many apps available for our cell phones as we do today.

Anyone can use these tools to find a partner. These places have a single goal: to bring people together.

It’s incredible how people today are able to meet others using these apps and sites without even leaving their house!

This ease of finding a new person has led to many separations.

And so, many people think:

“Why stay and put up with this relationship when I can easily find and meet a new partner?”

This is one of the reasons why many people leave their relationship. And why they don’t last as long as they used to in the past. 

But some people will easily get away from a relationship using this next point as a trick.

  • Easily cheat on someone

It’s mind-blowing how easily someone can cheat on another.

With a few messages and clicks, people can destroy a relationship that has lasted for years!

A 10-year relationship can disappear in 5 minutes!

Unfortunately, people can delete messages on social media, making it easier to hide conversations and keep their betrayal a secret.

This is why one in three divorces happens because of social media.

Facebook has been the cause of 28 million divorces throughout the world. 

It is frightening to know that so many have had their happiness go down the drain because of social media.

More than 15% of people scan their partner’s social media to see if they are cheating on them.

And to make things worse, more than 30% of married people don’t behave as such on social media.

So, to have a happy relationship you need to know how to use social media… How sad!

Important Attitudes

Now I will show you what you need to do to avoid your relationship from being destroyed by this.

The following 7 attitudes are very important, so read them attentively. You will also find more tips further down.

1. Create A Joint Couple’s Profile

This idea may not be receptive to most men.

They like to feel free. The fact of sharing their social media with their wife is not attractive to them.

However, I believe this is something that needs to be discussed between partners.

The most important thing here is to remember that both need to agree on this.

Otherwise, you will always argue about it.

In this way, trust in the relationship will not be threatened by social media.

But, if the couple dislikes the idea of a joint social media account, they can have separate accounts but with a picture of both of them together.

2. Don’t Hide Or Expose

A mistake many couples make is to go to extremes. Some expose too much, others almost nothing.

But not posting regularly can bother the partner and cause mistrust and insecurities.

On the other hand, exposing too much can bring jealousy to the relationship.

So, try to keep a balance between posting and what to post.

Be careful not to expose too much of your private life. In this way, you can open up your relationship for other people to ruin it.

Unfortunately, there are people with bad intentions who take pleasure in breaking up others’ relationships.

So be attentive to this.

3. Social Media Can Turn Upside-Down Relationships Because Of This

Normally jealousy and mistrust are reactions of someone who is insecure about their relationship. 

To avoid this you should state that you’re in a relationship.

On Facebook, you can state that you’re in a “serious relationship”

On Instagram, you can put it in your description.

In every social media you’re using, you have to be totally transparent. Again, never think or try to hide.

Remember this must be a mutual decision both of you agree on.

But don’t force this on your partner because this will only lead to arguments.

If your partner doesn’t accept this suggestion, you need to talk about your relationship.

If the person really wants you around for a long time and is really committed to you, they will want others to know.

Or rather they will accept to put the relationship status on social media sites.

4. By Doing This You Will Prevent Social Media From Chilling Your Relatinship

Doing this will stop social media from cooling your relationship

An error that cools a relationship is spending too much time on social media.

Many people are addicted or have a partner that is.

They spend more time scrolling down on the news feed than with their actual partner.

This lack of attention will cause a rift. The majority of the time it brings misunderstandings and will harm the relationship.

So to stop this from happening, don’t spend too much time on social media.

It’s ok to be on it 30 minutes a day but control the time you’re on it.

Also, if you want your partner to spend less time on social media sites, you should set an example.

Your partner will question why you want him to do something you yourself aren’t doing.

I say this because it’s obvious, if spend too much time on the internet and you don’t practice what you preach, he won’t change and never do what you ask him 

Rather, reduce the time you spend on your cell phone to show you are serious in your commitment and not willing to bring mistrust into the relationship.

5. Don’t Expose Any Argument Or Problem You’re Having

A common habit I’ve seen couples doing is after an argument or an altercation they run to post it on Facebook or Twitter. 

Never do that! venting with large texts and thus exposing your relationship problems on the network besides not helping will create more displeasure in your partner

There will always be people who post everything on the internet.

If you want to vent, that is not the best way to do it!

Think well, in the short term it will help you. But in the long term, it will do more harm than good.

When you makeup or go back to the relationship you can be judged by others.

Especially for your family, so be careful with this.

Not that this is very important because your relationship is made up of your attitudes and not about what others say about it.

But I believe you don’t want your relationship to be a point of gossip

Social media ruins relationships many times because of impulsive attitudes.

6. Social Media Affect Relationships For This Reason

A very bad mistake is to look into your mate’s social media without their permission.

Or pressing them about who this person or that one is 

I say this because this attitude will without a doubt result in arguments and destroy the confidence between the two of you.

It’s ok to ask about someone in a matter-of-fact way.

But pressuring the other will not be good for both of you.

This attitude will suffocate your partner and make them feel uncomfortable.

Apart from this, if the person you are asking about means nothing to them you will be causing drama for no reason.

7. Don’t Make Threats

Unfortunately, threatening your partner about social media is frequent.

When the partner is angry, feels jealous, or has other emotions. And becomes so aggressive that they threaten to break it off unless their password is shared. 

If they lose self-control and it leads to physical aggression you are the one that will lose. 

On top of causing financial consequences to your partners and that is not good at all 

Secondly, this is an immature attitude.

Because a real woman or a mature woman does not do this kind of thing. You should be a woman your husband respects and admires.

But having this attitude will only make him think the opposite.

This attitude only shows your insecurity and will make things worse.

Your partner can feel threatened by this type of personality and want to break up with you.

So don’t make the mistake of threatening your partner.