Red Golden Pheasant: Can It Be a Good Pet? [Answered]

If you’re a bird lover, you may have wondered if the Red Golden Pheasant can make a good pet. These beautiful birds are native to China and Vietnam, and they can grow up to be quite large – around two feet long!

As with any pet, there are pros and cons to keeping a Red Golden Pheasant as a companion. Let’s take a closer look at what you need to know before making your decision.

Red golden pheasants can make good pets for the right person. They are social birds that enjoy being around people and other birds. They are also relatively low maintenance, and they do not require a lot of space.

Do you want a truly unique pet? These birds make fantastic pets and are very friendly. However, before you decide to bring one home, there are some things you should know about these creatures.

Red golden pheasants are native to Asia but are becoming increasingly popular as pets in North America. We’ll discuss their physical characteristics, diet, habitat, and more. So if you’re interested in learning more about red golden pheasants, keep reading!

While they are not typically kept as pets, there is no reason why they could not make good companion animals. They are social birds that enjoy being around people and other birds.

Introduce Red Golden Pheasants, Including Their Physical Characteristics

The Red Golden Pheasant is a beautiful bird that is native to China. We can find these birds in forests, mountain areas, and in captivity. In Asia, people kept them as pets.

These birds are very social, and they enjoy being around people. If you are considering adding a Red Golden Pheasant to your family, do your research to ensure that you are providing the best possible care for your new pet.

How Big Do Pheasants Get?

These birds are usually about two feet long, with a wingspan of three to four feet. Red golden pheasants are primarily found in forests and woodlands and eat insects, fruits, and seeds.

In the wild, these birds typically live for about ten years. However, in captivity, they can live for much longer. Red golden pheasants make popular pets due to their beautiful plumage. They are also quite friendly and can eat from your hand if you train them.

How Do You Tell If a Golden Pheasant Is Male or Female?

There are several ways to tell if a golden pheasant is male or female. One way is to look at the coloring of the bird. Male golden pheasants have brighter plumage than females, with gold, red, and orange feathers.

Also known as the Chinese pheasant, this bird is easily recognizable by its bright red feathers and long tail. Males also have a golden crest on their heads, while females are mostly brown.

What Does a Pheasant Look Like?

Females are more subdued in color, with brown and tan feathers. Another way to tell the difference is to look at the tail. Male golden pheasants have longer tails than females, and the feathers on their tails are also more colorful.

Sounds And Vocal Behavior of The Red Golden Pheasant

Finally, you can listen to the call of the bird. Male golden pheasants have a distinctive three-note call, while females have a two-note call. Using these methods, you can quickly tell the difference between male and female golden pheasants.

Can Pheasants Fly?

Pheasants are excellent flyers and can reach speeds of up to 40 miles per hour. They have strong wings and can fly for long distances. Pheasants typically only fly when startled or need to escape predators.

When they are flying, pheasants make a loud honking sound. If you see a pheasant taking off, it is likely because it has been scared or feels threatened. Pheasants are also good swimmers and can use their wings to paddle through the water.

How Much Space Do Red Golden Pheasants Need?

Red golden pheasants are social birds that enjoy being around people and other birds. They are also relatively low maintenance, and they do not require a lot of space.

A red golden pheasant can live happily in a small cage or aviary as long as it is well-constructed and has plenty of perches, toys, and hiding places.

These birds are active and need room to move around. Therefore, a red golden pheasant needs an aviary at least ten feet long, five feet wide, and six feet tall. If you keep more than one pheasant, you will need an even larger aviary.

What Is The Lifespan Of a Pheasant?

The lifespan of a pheasant can vary quite a bit depending on the species. Some pheasants can live for up to 10 years in the wild, while others only have a lifespan of 2 or 3 years.

Its predation risk is the main factor determining how long a pheasant will live. Pheasants that are more likely to be preyed upon by predators tend to have shorter lifespans, while those less likely to be preyed upon can live longer.

Another factor that can affect lifespan is disease. Pheasants that contract diseases that are deadly to their species tend to have shorter lifespans than those that don’t. Finally, habitat loss can also impact the lifespan of a pheasant.

If pheasants lose their natural habitat due to human activity, they may not be able to find enough food or shelter to survive and will die at a younger age than those that live in intact habitats.

Do Pheasants Mate For Life?

Pheasants are fascinating creatures and are known to be one of the most well-known game birds. However, people often wonder if pheasants mate for life, and the answer is quite complicated.

Do Pheasants Have More Than One Mate?

Pheasants typically form what is known as a “harem”, a group of females mated with one male. The female pheasants will lay their eggs in a nest, and the male will guard the area around it until the chicks have hatched.

They usually pair up in polygamous matings, with one male dominating many females. However, there are exceptions to this rule. For example, some pheasants will form monogamous pairs and mate for life.

It is more common for males to have multiple mates than females, but there are instances of females taking on multiple mates as well.

The male pheasant can mate with any willing female, while the female must consider the male’s quality. A poor-quality mate will not be able to provide her with the resources she needs to care for her young, so she must be choosy to ensure her offspring’s survival.

After the chicks have hatched, the male usually leaves the area and finds another harem; however, some documented cases of pheasants remaining with their mate for several years.

So, in conclusion, while pheasants typically don’t mate for life, there are some exceptions to this rule.

How Often Do Pheasants Mate?

Pheasants mate every year in the spring. First, the male will strut around and make a loud call to attract the females. Then, once he has caught her attention, he will put on an elaborate display, often including plumage fanning and tailfeather shaking.

The female will allow him to mate with her if she is impressed. During the breeding season, males often have a harem of 2-5 females. Females will usually only mate with one male, though they may mate with multiple males if they cannot find a single dominant male.

Pheasants typically mate once daily, though they may mate multiple times in a single day if conditions are favorable. After mating, the female will lay a clutch of 4-12 eggs, which she will incubate for 23-28 days.

Once the chicks hatch, they will be cared for by both parents until they are old enough to fend for themselves.

Where Do Pheasants Go In The Winter Time? Do They Migrate?

Unlike some other game birds, pheasants do not migrate in winter. Instead, they will stay in their home range year-round. Pheasants are well-adapted to cold weather and can withstand temperatures as low as -40 degrees Fahrenheit. In winter, pheasants will roost in trees or dense shrubs to stay warm.

Some game birds, like pheasants, partridges, grouse, and turkeys, spend most of their time on the ground. They might look for food or shelter in trees during the winter but don’t fly long distances to get there.

They will also eat more to maintain their body weight, as they burn more calories trying to stay warm in the cold weather. Pheasants are also less active in the winter, as they spend more time resting and less time foraging for food.

As a result, pheasants are less likely to be seen in the wintertime than in other seasons.

What Do Pheasants Eat?

Red golden pheasants are omnivores and eat various things, including insects, fruits, and seeds. In the wild, these birds typically live in forests and woodlands. 

During the day, they forage on the ground for food. At night, they roost in trees to avoid predators. Pheasants typically eat more in the winter to maintain their body weight, as they burn more calories trying to stay warm in the cold weather.

Here are some of the most common things red golden pheasants eat:

  • Crickets
  • Beetles
  • Grasshoppers
  • Berries
  • Fruits
  • Seeds

Also, red golden pheasants will sometimes eat small mammals, such as mice or voles. Occasionally, they may even eat other birds, such as chicks or eggs.

Interesting Facts About Red Golden Pheasants

  • Red golden pheasants are native to China and were first introduced to Europe in the 1800s.
  • The red golden pheasant is the national bird of Kazakhstan.
  • These birds are usually between 22 and 24 inches long and weigh between 20 and 30 ounces.
  • Males have brightly colored plumage, while females are usually brown or gray.
  • Red golden pheasants are not typically kept as pets, but they are popular birds in zoos and aviaries.
  • These birds typically live between eight and ten years in captivity, but their lifespan is shorter in the wild.
  • The red golden pheasant is not currently considered endangered, but their populations have declined in recent years.
  • Habitat loss and hunting are the two main threats to red golden pheasants.
  • In China, red golden pheasants are considered a symbol of good luck and prosperity.
  • Its main predator is humans, as it hunts them for sport, meat, and feathers. Its other predators are foxes, hawks, and owls that prey on young birds and raccoons that feed on the eggs.

Other Tips For Care And Breeding Red Golden Pheasants

  • If you are interested in keeping red golden pheasants as pets, it is important to understand their care and breeding requirements.
  • Pheasants require a large aviary or backyard to roam in and should be provided with a shelter for protection from the elements.
  • They also need plenty of food and water and a source of grit to help them digest their food.
  • Males and females can be bred together, but it is important to provide an adequate nesting box for the female.
  • The female will lay a clutch of 4-12 eggs, which she will incubate for 23-28 days.
  • The chicks will be cared for by both parents until they are old enough to fend for themselves.


Before you bring a red golden pheasant home, be sure to do your research and learn about their specific needs. 

You’ll need to provide them with sufficient outdoor space where they can roam and a shelter for bad weather. Make sure you have plenty of food and water, bird feeders, and perches. 

Red golden pheasants can be noisy, so be prepared for the sound of them crowing or talking throughout the day.

We covered the basics of red golden pheasant care. By the end, you should know whether these birds are a good fit for your family and lifestyle.

Thanks for reading!