How Often Do Rats Come Up Toilets? [Quick Answer]

Rats are a common pest, and they can often be found in the most unexpected places. For example, can rats climb up through toilets? There are good chances a rat has already been in your toilet bowl. If you live in a big city, the chances are even higher.

Yes they can! Besides being great swimmers, rats are also excellent climbers, and they can squeeze through tiny spaces. So, it’s not surprising they can climb up through toilets.

In this article, we’ll look at one of those places – the toilet! Learn how often rats come up to bathrooms and what you can do to prevent them from invading your home.

The problem is once a rat is in your toilet bowl, it can easily find its way into your home. And, once they’re in your home, they can easily contaminate food and surfaces and spread disease.

How Often Do Rats Come Up Toilets?

It’s hard to say for sure. But, if you live in an area with a high population of rats, it’s probably more often than you’d like.

You can do a few things to prevent rats from coming up through your toilet.

What Attracts Rats In Your Home?

There are a few things that can attract rats to your home. Some of the most common are:

  • Trash
  • Pet food
  • Water
  • Food and shelter
  • Barbecue grills
  • Bird feeders
  • Unharvested fruit
  • Plants

If you have any of these things in your home, you will likely have rats. Rats are also attracted to warmth, so they will be more likely to try to get inside if your home is warm.

How Often Do Rats Come Up Toilets?

Rats are attracted to water and often try to get into homes through the toilet. This is because they can drink the water and use the bathroom to get into your home. In addition, rats can swim, so they can still get in even if you have a toilet thats not connected to the sewer.

Sewers are commonplace for rats to live. If your toilet is connected to the sewer, it’s even easier for them to get in.

What Are The Most Common Places For Rats To Invade Your Home?

There are a few places where rats commonly invade homes. These include:

  • Through gaps in walls or floors
  • Through open doors or windows
  • Through sewers and pipes
  • Up through toilets

Toilet bowls are particularly inviting to rats because they offer a way into your dark, wet, and warm home. Plus, the toilet bowl is usually located in a bathroom, often secluded from the rest of the house. This makes it an ideal place for rats to hide and build nests.

How Can You Prevent Rats From Entering Your Home Through The Toilet?

There are a few things you can do to prevent rats from coming up through your toilet:

  • Inspect your home for gaps or holes and seal them up. Rats can squeeze through very small spaces, so it’s important to make sure there are no openings they can access.
  • Keep your toilet clean and free of debris. A dirty toilet bowl is more likely to attract rats than a clean one.
  • Don’t leave food or water out in the open. Rats are attracted to food and water, so it’s important to keep these items sealed up and away from potential access points.
  • If you have a septic tank, ensure it is properly maintained. A full or overflowing septic tank can attract rats.
  • Be aware of your surroundings. If you see rats in your neighbourhood, take steps to prevent them from coming into your home.

What To Do If You See a Rat In Your Toilet?

If you see a rat in your toilet, the best thing to do is to call a professional pest control company. They will be able to safely and effectively remove the rat from your home. If you try to remove the rat yourself, you risk harming the animal or spreading disease.

How To Get Rid of Rats Once They’ve Invaded Your Home

Additionally, rats can be tough to catch, so it is best to leave this task to the professionals. So if you see a rat in your home, follow these quick tips:

  • Do not try to catch or kill the rat yourself
  • Call a professional pest control company right away
  • Block off any holes or gaps the rat may have used to enter your home
  • Clean and disinfect the area where the rat was seen

If you have rats in your home, it is crucial to take action. Rats can carry diseases that are harmful to humans, so it is best to get them out of your home as soon as possible. A professional pest control company will be able to quickly and safely remove the rats from your home. Additionally, they can help you

Does Bleach Keep Rats Away?

One way to help keep rats away is by using bleach. They dislike the strong smell of the odour. Putting some bleach in your toilet, can help keep them away. Just be sure not to use too much bleach, as this can harm your health.

Also, make sure the bleach is diluted correctly before using it in your toilet. If you use too much bleach, it can damage your bathroom and cause problems with your plumbing.

Do Rats Hate The Smell of Bleach?

If you’re not sure how to dilute the bleach, you can always ask a professional for help. They will be able to give you the proper instructions on how to do this.

In addition to using bleach, there are other things you can do to help keep rats away from your toilet. For example, you can try to seal any cracks or holes in your home that might be providing shelter for them.

Besides repelling them, bleach can kill rats. When rats get the bleach on their skin, it will eat away at their fur. This will eventually kill the rat. So if you have a severe rat problem, then using bleach is one way you can help to solve it.

Can a Rat Lift a Toilet Seat?

A rat can lift a toilet seat – they’re strong creatures! However, it’s not likely it would try to climb up into a toilet unless food or shelter was available inside. Therefore, in most cases, rats will avoid contact with humans as much as possible. 

Make it a habit to lower the seat and lid of your toilet when you’re finished using it. This will help keep rats (and other pests) out! And look before you sit!