How Long Do Flies Live Indoors? Do Flies Live For 24 hours?

Image by Kari Nesler

Do you know how long flies live and thrive in your house? It’s essential to understand their role in the environment so you can better get rid of them. 

Flies are more than just a nuisance; they play an important ecological role. This article will explore how flies live in the house and what you can do to get rid of them.

Flies can live indoors for a few days or weeks, but they will eventually die if they don’t have access to food or water. However, some species of flies can live for months indoors. The longest-lived fly recorded was a flesh fly that lived for 42 days.

Flies attract anything sugary or sticky, like fruit, candy, or even garbage. So, cleaning up any food left out is vital if you have flies in your house.

So while flies may not be the most welcome guests in your house, they serve a purpose worldwide. Do you want to know more? Keep reading!

What Are Flies And What Do They Do In The Environment?

Flies are a type of insect that belong to the order Diptera. They are characterized by their two wings, which are unique among insects. Flies play an important role in the environment by helping to decompose organic matter. 

They are also important pollinators. In addition, flies can be a nuisance because they often spread disease.

They are active during the day and sleep at night, and love dirty environments where there is decaying organic matter (garbage, sewage, landfills, etc.). As they live in filth, flies carry dirt everywhere.

How Do Flies Reproduce In The House?

When they land on food, they can contaminate it with bacteria and other pathogenic microorganisms, spreading diseases such as diarrhea, cholera, or typhoid fever.

Flies are attracted to houses because they provide food and shelter. Flies often lay their eggs in decaying organic matter, such as garbage or feces. Once the eggs hatch, the larvae will feed on the decaying matter. When they mature into adults, they often move into the house to find food and shelter.

Types of flies that are commonly found in houses include:

– House flies: They’re the most common type of flies found in homes. They are about ¼ inch long and have a gray body with four dark stripes on their thorax. House flies attract garbage, animal feces, and sweet or sticky substances. As a result, they can spread diseases such as typhoid fever, cholera, and salmonella.

– Blow flies: These are larger than house flies and are attracted to decaying organic matter. They can be found in garbage cans or near pet food. Blow flies can spread diseases such as dysentery and food poisoning.

– Fruit flies: These tiny flies are about ⅛ inch long and are attracted to ripe fruit. They can also be found near garbage cans or in drains. Fruit flies can spread diseases such as salmonella and E. coli.

– Phorid flies: These tiny flies are about ⅛ inch long and are characterized by their humped back. Phorid flies are attracted to garbage and decaying organic matter. As a result, they can spread diseases such as food poisoning and diarrhea.

How Do Flies Decompose Things?

One way flies help the environment is decomposing things is by eating them. They have chewing mouthparts that they use to grind up food. They also have a beak, a long tube-like structure that they use to suck up liquids.

Their digestive processes release enzymes that help break down complex materials, making them an important part of the decomposition process. Also, as they move around, they help spread decomposing materials and mix them with other things. This helps speed up the process of decomposition.

Flies also help decompose things by laying their eggs on them. The larvae that hatch from the eggs eat their way through decaying material, helping to break it down even further. 

As they mature, the larvae pupate and emerge as adults. The whole process can take as little as two weeks.

Are Houseflies Good Pollinators?

Flies help transfer pollen from one flower to another, which is necessary for the reproduction of plants. Without them, many plants would not be able to reproduce. They are critical pollinators in both natural and agricultural systems. 

A recent analysis of crop pollination by flies found they contribute to the pollination of more than 75% of all crops worldwide.

Flies Help Control Other Insects

Besides having an essential role in the environment as pollinators, they also help to control other insects. Unfortunately, some species of flies will eat other insects, including mosquitoes. So if you have a mosquito problem, you might want to think twice before getting rid of all the flies in your house!

A study by the University of Florida says houseflies can consume up to 30% of their body weight in mosquitoes daily. This is good news for those trying to control the mosquito population, as it means fewer mosquitoes will be around to bite people and spread disease. 

However, not all flies eat mosquitoes. Most species do not. The most significant benefit from flies comes from the parasitic species. Some fly species will lay their eggs in the bodies of other insects. The larvae that hatch from the eggs feed on the host insect, eventually killing it. This can help control populations of harmful insects, such as crop pests.

How Do Flies Live In a House?

Flies can enter your house through open doors and windows, or they can be brought in on your clothes or shoes. Once they’re inside, they’ll start to look for food.

They’re attracted to anything sugary or sticky, like fruit, candy, or even garbage. So, cleaning up any food left out is important if you have flies in your house.

They can live in your house because they can find food and shelter. Flies are attracted to food by the smell of rotting organic matter. They are also attracted to places with moisture, such as the bathroom or kitchen. 

Once a fly finds its way into your house, it will often lay its eggs in food or on surfaces. The eggs hatch into larvae, which then develop into adults.

What is the life cycle of a fly?

A fly goes through four stages in its life cycle: egg, larva, pupa, and adult. The time it takes to go through all four steps depends on the fly species and the temperature. For example, house flies typically take about two weeks to reach adulthood, but this can vary from a few days to several weeks.

How Long Do Flies Live In Cold Weather? Do They Hibernate?

In colder climates, flies will either die off or go into hibernation. Hibernating flies will find a warm place to spend the winter, such as in a house or barn. Then, they will emerge when spring comes and start the cycle anew.

What can you do to get rid of flies in your house?

You can do a few things to get rid of flies in your house:

  1. Ensure you don’t have any food or water sources attracting them.
  2. You can use traps to catch flies.
  3. You can use insecticides to kill them.

However, using insecticides safely and only as a last resort is essential. 

Why It’s Important To Get Rid Of Flies In Your house?

Flies are one of the most critical disease vectors because they can transmit diseases from person to person and from animals to humans. 

They can also contaminate food and surfaces with their feces, leading to food poisoning. In addition, flies are attracted to garbage and other decaying matter, which can attract other pests like ants and cockroaches. Therefore, getting rid of flies in your house is vital to avoid these health hazards.

How To Get Rid Of Flies In The House Quickly?

There are several ways to get rid of flies in your house. One way is to use a fly swatter or bug zapper to kill them. Another way is to use traps, which can be purchased at most hardware stores. 

To make your own trap, mix sugar and water in a container with a hole in the top. The flies will be attracted to the sugar, crawl into the container, and drown. You can also try making a vinegar trap by mixing vinegar, sugar, and water in a container. 

Easy-to-use Flies Flies Control 

The flies will be attracted to the vinegar, crawl into the container, and drown. Finally, you can use an insecticide spray to kill the flies. Be sure to follow the directions on the label carefully.

Flies are a pain in the butt and can be challenging to eliminate. The best way to control flies is to prevent them from entering your home in the first place. To do this, you should:

– Keep food covered and stored in the refrigerator

– Empty garbage cans regularly

– Clean up spills immediately

– Seal cracks and openings

What Will Keep Flies Away?

Lavender, eucalyptus, peppermint, and lemongrass essential oils effectively repel flies. You can use these oils to make a fly spray by adding them to water in a spray bottle. 

Or, you can put a few drops of oil on a cloth and wipe it around your windows and doors.

Preventing a Housefly Infestation

You can also do some things to keep flies out of your house in the first place. For example, keep your garbage can lids closed and your food covered. You can also avoid leaving sweet fruits or vegetables on the countertop. 

Flies attract sweets, so they may come into your house if they smell something delicious.

Try using a fly trap or setting up some sticky fly paper. You can also try to catch the flies with your hands or a net. If you have a lot of flies, you may need to call an exterminator.