Are Chihuahuas Friendly? [Uncovering the Misconceptions About Chihuahuas]

Are Chihuahuas Friendly

You’ve been on the lookout for a small breed with lots of personalities, so naturally, a Chihuahua comes to mind – they’re cute, spunky little bundles of joy!

Do you want to know everything about the chihuahua’s temperament? Then you’re in the right place. We created this article to all interested to get a Chihuahua.

This post will help you to understand a little more about this adorable little dog that can be an extremely respectful, affectionate, and a sweet animal.

But at the same time, it can become a stressed and even aggressive dog if you don’t take care of it the right way.

But before you bring one home, it’s important to ask yourself: Are Chihuahuas friendly like their reputation suggests? The answer might surprise you.

Are Chihuahuas Friendly? Yes!

Chihuahuas can be very friendly and loving pets when given proper socialization, training, and care.

We’ll dive into the history of these dainty dogs and explore their nature traits so that you can decide if an adorable Chihuahua is right for your family.

Are Chihuahuas Good For First-Time Owners?

Chihuahuas can make great first dogs for families, as they are small, affectionate, and relatively low-maintenance. They are also intelligent and trainable, so it can be relatively easy to teach them basic obedience commands and potty training.

However, it’s important to note that Chihuahuas are a breed with a lot of personality and can be feisty and independent. They may not be the best choice for families with young children, as they can be easily frightened or accidentally injured. 

Additionally, Chihuahuas can be prone to certain health problems, such as dental issues and luxating patellas, so it’s important to keep up with regular vet check-ups.

Overall, if your furry friend is committed to providing love, patience, and proper training, a Chihuahua could be a wonderful addition to their family. But if they are not prepared for the unique challenges and responsibilities that come with owning a Chihuahua, it might be better to consider a different breed.

Chihuahuas Are Often Mischaracterized as Unfriendly, But They Can Be Loving Pets

Chihuahuas are often seen as small dogs with big attitudes, but that doesn’t mean they’re not friendly.

Despite common misconceptions, Chihuahuas can be loving and loyal pets when given the right attention and care.

The misconception that all Chihuahuas are unfriendly

Chihuahuas are just like any other breed – it’s up to their owners to raise them correctly in order for them to thrive. Just like humans, environment and upbringing have a huge impact on their behavior.

So it really all depends on how the dog is raised.

In general, people who already own a Chihuahua say that it is a dedicated, lively and alert dog. In addition, speed and courage are other characteristics attributed to this breed.

We summarized 18 truths about the personality and behavior of Chihuahuas. Check this out:

#Personality Trait/BehaviorDescription
1AffectionateChihuahuas are known for being very loving and affectionate towards their owners.
2PlayfulThe personality of Chihuahuas is playful and energetic.
3IntelligentThis breed is very intelligent and can be trained easily.
4FeistyThey can be feisty and independent, with a strong-willed personality.
5PossessiveChihuahuas can be possessive of their owners and may become jealous of other pets or people.
6BarkersThey are known to bark frequently, so they may not be the best choice for apartment living.
7ProtectiveIt is possible for Chihuahuas to exhibit protectiveness towards their owners, often through barking at unfamiliar sounds or people.
8Easy to carryChihuahuas are small and lightweight, making them easy to carry around.
9Can be frightened easilyThis little creature can be easily frightened and may become stressed in loud or chaotic environments.
10Can be easily injuredDue to their small size, Chihuahuas can be easily injured and need to be handled carefully.
11Can be prone to dental issuesChihuahuas can be prone to dental problems and may need regular dental check-ups.
12Can have luxating patellasA common condition in which the knee cap dislocates from its proper position is known as luxating patellas and can affect chihuahuas.
13May develop small dog syndromeChihuahuas can develop small dog syndrome, in which they become aggressive or overly confident due to being pampered and over-protected.
14Need regular exerciseDespite their small size, Chihuahuas still need regular exercise to maintain good health and behavior.
15Can be picky eatersTo maintain their health, Chihuahuas may require special diets as they tend to be picky eaters.
16May be difficult to house trainChihuahuas can be difficult to house train and may require patience and consistency.
17Need consistent trainingConsistent training is necessary for Chihuahuas to maintain good behavior and prevent the development of behavioral problems.
18Make great lap dogsChihuahuas make great lap dogs and love to snuggle with their owners.

Is your child safe with a chihuahua?

Don’t let their pint-sized appearance fool you, Chihuahuas crave love and attention from their devoted owner. But can they handle the hustle and bustle of a busy household? 

The answer is yes… with older, patient, and gentle children. On the other hand, it’s crucial to exercise extra caution with younger, more energetic kids who may unintentionally harm the delicate Chihuahua. Embrace the bond between your child and this precious dog with the peace of mind they both deserve.

Is a chihuahua a good family dog?

These animals are not indicated for small children (up to 6 years old), since they are small, it is likely to get hurt when a very young child plays with them. Also, there may be cases of Chihuahuas who are afraid of children because of their hyperactivity or their height.

Are Chihuahuas Good For First-time Owners?

Getting a dog is a significant commitment, and before making this choice, it’s advisable to do extensive study on not only the obligations that come with owning a dog but also the requirements of any breeds that you are thinking about getting.

Because the Chihuahua is such a popular breed of dog, it can be found living in a variety of different households. 

Is a Chihuahua the breed that you should get?

Chihuahuas are a wonderful option for anyone who has never owned a dog before. These characteristics make the breed an excellent choice for people who are new to owning dogs:

  • Small size: Chihuahuas are one of the smallest dog breeds, making them ideal for living in small spaces.
  • Low exercise requirements.
  • Low grooming requirements
  • People who are ready for a long-term commitment.
  • People who are ready to work on training.
  • People who are ready for veterinary bills and long-term expenses.
  • Long lifespan: Chihuahuas have a long lifespan compared to other small breeds, living up to 20 years with proper care.
  • Easy to carry: Their small size makes them easy to carry around, making them a great choice for people who travel often.
  • Can be trained as therapy dogs: Chihuahuas have a gentle disposition and can be trained to work as therapy dogs, providing comfort to people in hospitals, nursing homes, and other settings.

Chihuahuas Are Often Wrongly Perceived as Happy, Aggressive, And Hard To Train

Some Chihuahuas might indeed make a lot of noise but rather than being happy and aggressive, many are simply enthusiastic and eager to get their owner’s attention.

While they may be small in size, Chihuahuas need disciplined training and guidance for healthy development, just like any other breed.

This keeps them well-behaved and stops them from growing up to be the tiny tyrants they’re sometimes made out to be.

All it takes is patience, consistency, and treats – lots of treats! In any case, don’t let these persistent myths stop you from getting one; these brave little canines more than make up for their preconceived barkings with loyalty and love.

READ ALSO: Are Chihuahuas Hypoallergenic? [A Must-Read for Allergy Sufferers]

In Reality, Chihuahuas Can Be Very Friendly And Make Great Pets For People Of All Ages

Are Chihuahuas good with children? Are they very friendly? The short answer is yes!

Chihuahuas, often known as the smallest breed of dog, can be great pets for people of all ages. Their small size and lively personalities make them especially suitable companions for young people.

They are also very courageous and can make loyal guardians when they need to. Plus, ask anyone who already owns one – they will tell you just how much love and affection these little bundles of joy can give!

So if you’re looking for a furry friend to share life’s adventures with, why not consider a Chihuahua? You’ll be sure to get all the love and companionship you need.

How does the chihuahua behave with strangers and children?

Well, maybe this is one of the most sought-after points by who want to have a chihuahua. After all, it is important to understand how the dog behaves with children and strangers.

Because these situations are commonplace and are part of the daily life of any family. Therefore, we can already say that he is an extremely docile and endearing dog!

How does a Chihuahua act around kids?

That is, the chihuahua’s temperament with children and strange people may be something “out of the curve”, since he may not show any reaction at all. However, this situation will only be more guaranteed if the dog is socialized.

This training process makes dogs understand that they are not the center of the universe and that they need to live with other beings.

If you have children and are looking for a dog to keep them company, maybe the chihuahua is a good option. In addition to the dog being small (which helps not to scare children), he can be docile or he can demonstrate irrelevance.

Are Chihuahuas emotionally sensitive?

That is, he will not be aggressive most of the time. And we talk about “most of the time” because you have to be careful not to corner the animal (and we know that children often do this, even as a joke).

When cornered, the Chihuahua can actually show a bit of aggression. But, it is a defensive aggressiveness. Because instincts make him have to defend himself from this dangerous situation. He can bite and cause accidents. So beware of this situation involving children.

In general, the Chihuahua may not care about strangers. Which is fine if you want an animal that is not interested in defending its territory.

They Are Also Relatively Easy To Train And Can Be Housebroken Fairly Quickly

Chihuahuas are relatively easy to train, which is good news for first-time pet owners. With their short attention span and small size, they can be housebroken fairly quickly with just a few simple tips and tricks.

How to train a chihuahua?

Be consistent

There’s nothing that can confuse a dog as much as a human’s change of heart. To learn something, you must be consistent with your decisions. If from day one you don’t want him to get on the couch or bed, never let him up.

If you see that he intends to do this, say a firm NO, but without shouting. When ten seconds have passed and the dog is calm, give him a treat.

Teach him to do his business outside the house

One of the most “urgent” things you should teach him is to relieve himself outside or in a certain place. Having a small bladder, it’s normal going to go the bathroom many times.

To help you learn, take him for a walk 20 or 30 minutes after eating, or take him to the room where you want him to relieve himself after that time. When you see him start sniffing the floor and/or turning in circles, he’s going to do them. When he finishes, give him a prize.

Don’t treat him like a baby

This is a very serious mistake. Because it is so small, many people think that they can be taken for a walk in a stroller or held in their arms. But it’s not like that. The Chihuahua is a dog that has the same basic needs as any other breed.

Put a harness on it and attach the leash to it and take it for a ride. At home, of course, you have to give him a lot of affection, and it’s even a very good idea to let him sleep with you, but don’t treat him like a human baby because otherwise he could get very confused.

Do Your Research Before Getting a Chihuahua to Ensure It’s The Right Fit For Your Lifestyle

It’s important to remember that every breed of dog has different needs and personalities. For example, some breeds are more hyperactive than others, while some are more laid back and calm.

Therefore, it’s important to research what type of personality a particular breed has before deciding if it’s suitable for you and your lifestyle.

With a Chihuahua, that means research into their temperament to ensure they will fit into your home environment well. 

If you’re considering bringing a Chihuahua into your life, it’s not as easy as just adopting one! Choosing the right breed of Chihuahua requires some research and forethought.

Depending on your lifestyle, you may want to consider the various types of Chihuahuas like long-coat, short-coat, deer head, and apple head.

Of course, there is also the matter of temperament – whether you would enjoy a pup with lots of energy or if a relaxed dog that’s content to lounge around with you is more your style.

So take some time and do your research; after all, choosing a companion for life is no small decision!

Chihuahuas Need Exercise Too! 

It’s not enough just to provide them with love; they also need regular exercise like any other breed of dog to stay healthy and happy.

A good rule of thumb is at least 20 minutes of physical activity each day for them to stay healthy both mentally and physically.

This could include walking or playing fetch in a fenced-in yard or taking them on doggy play dates with friends or family members who have similar-sized dogs.

Exercise is also important for getting rid of excess energy so that it won’t become destructive when left alone at home for long periods of time! 

The Importance of Socialization 

Socializing your chihuahua is also important for ensuring he or she develops into a friendly pet.

Start by introducing your new friend to people slowly in controlled situations such as going on walks together or visiting pet stores where there are other animals around (with permission).

From there you should gradually increase the number of people he or she comes into contact with until they become comfortable around strangers as well as familiar faces.

Socialization helps them learn how to interact with humans in positive ways which will help create an even friendlier demeanor over time!


Having a chihuahua as a pet doesn’t mean you’re signing up for an unfriendly companion – quite the contrary! 

With proper socialization, training, exercise, and love provided by their owner(s), these tiny companions can develop friendly personalities that make them great lifelong friends. 

So don’t let the misconceptions fool you – Chihuahuas are indeed capable of being loving pets if given the chance! Ultimately it all boils down to providing them with the attention they need on a daily basis in order to thrive in their new home environment.

If done correctly then you’ll have no trouble having a loyal furry friend at your side wherever life takes you both!