Mafalda and John with Camila, our adopted 13 years old Shih Tzu. She insisted to be in the picture.

Welcome To Life Under Our Roof!

What’s up, everyone? We are Mafalda and John. We are so happy to have you join us on our website, where we share our couple and family experiences. We are the parents of three amazing kids, Pedro, 22, Janna, 15, and Elianne, 12.

We created this space to document and reflect on all the exciting things we’ve been trying out and the obstacles we faced along the way.

As we learn more about life together, we’ve found that trying new things and getting out of our comfort zones have helped us grow as individuals and as a couple.

We’ve discovered that life is not always easy as we navigate the challenges of parenting, housekeeping, overcoming a divorce and separation, and solving conflicts with our teens. But facing these challenges head-on and supporting each other has helped us become stronger as a team.

A family with kids brings joy and struggles, but we’re grateful to have each other to rely on. From tackling household tasks to resolving conflicts, we’ve learned that communication and teamwork are key.

Life’s Challenges: Embracing the Unexpected

As we journey through life, we constantly learn and grow together, facing the highs and lows that come our way.

Life is full of surprises and unexpected things. So many of those happen under our roofs, wouldn’t you agree? 

As you read through our blog, you will find our best answers and opinions on home lifestyle, relationships, parenting, home improvement, and faith. 

Furthermore, writing about family and what goes on under our roof can be a way to connect with others and share our experiences with a wider audience. Family is very important, as it shapes society and its members. Children learn and grow in a caring, supportive family; likewise, it supports its members emotionally and practically.

Strong families help individuals, communities, and society. Healthy families raise productive and responsible children. In addition, they experience better mental and physical health, which reduces social and economic expenses.

Family is vital to society. Thus we must support and nurture it. Supporting parental leave, affordable child care, and family-friendly workplaces can do this. People should also make time for their spouses and children. We may strengthen society by supporting and appreciating families.

Our professional backgrounds have enhanced our life experience, and we would like to share these with you. 

As a social worker, Mafalda has spent the last 28 years helping people who are in need. She has learned and gained a lot of knowledge and experience during this time. Her drive to help people is inspiring.

On the other hand, I have worked as a Designer for over 20 years, and I am a DIY lover who enjoys sharing tips and ideas. We all have a unique set of skills and talents that can benefit others, and this is one way we use to impact others.

Whether through sharing a simple decorating idea or helping someone completely transform their living space, we are grateful for the opportunity to use these skills and talents.

Here at Life Under Our Roof, we also have a passion for talking about other topics. From providing a simple guide for new pet owners to cleaning up your roof, we strive to share unique, informative, and supportive articles.

Living a Life of Gratitude: The Impact on Your Spiritual Well-Being

It would be incomplete to talk about the family and home without acknowledging God’s crucial role in our lives. As the creator of the concept of family, God is the source of strength and grace that helps us overcome life’s challenges as a couple. Without His guidance and support, achieving the success and unity, we strive for within our families would be impossible. 

Through our faith in God, we can navigate the ups and downs of life and build strong and loving homes.

Sharing our thoughts and experiences about our faith can help to create a sense of community and support for others.

We aim to ensure that every family, parent, and homeowner has the knowledge and resources to provide the best possible care for their family and household.

Our articles will serve as a valuable resource for you.

Thank you for stopping by, and we hope you enjoy reading our content as much as we enjoy creating it.