40 Kinds Of Air Purifying Plants Experts Tell You To Get Them Today

Photo by Brina Blum on Unsplash

Plants not only make the environment beautiful. Admiring them can also make people feel at ease. Perhaps because of the fast pace of modern life, people have brought to light nature.

There are plenty of benefits to bringing plants into your home or office space. Not only do they add a splash of color and life to the room, but they can also purify the air and improve your health.

Air plants are particularly good at purifying the air, and they don’t require much care – making them ideal for busy people. If you’re looking for a way to improve your space and your health, adding some air plants is a great solution.

However, bringing plants into life must not be just a whim. Because plants have life, if you want to grow plants, you must first have a sense of responsibility. 

Start Getting Plants Into Your Living Space

Instead of buying them in large quantities, when you think they are beautiful, it is better to start learning how to grow them from a single plant. Even if there is only one pot of plants, it can transform the atmosphere of the space. 

After you develop your interest and experience, you can choose carefully and gradually increase the number of plants in your home.

Enhance Your Life 

Our daily routines have been revolutionized by technology. Still, it has also made it more difficult for us to get close to nature. 

Living in the concrete jungle, people yearn for green life, so every weekend, the urban green space and riverside parks are crowded with people. 

However, compared with the dense high-rise buildings and population, the city still has a serious shortage of green space.

Therefore, more and more people yearn for a private space where they can rest well. 

Instead of watching a TV series or being on the computer screen, you can spend some time tending to your plants each day. It will bring rest and tranquility to your life and make your home more comfortable.

Relaxing time with greenery is one of the most rewarding reasons to live with plants. At the end of a busy day, the thought of being able to return to a home with plants can be relaxing and enjoyable.

Eliminate Harmful Substances: Top 10 Oxygen-Producing Plants That Purify The Air

Air pollution and smog problems have recently become more serious. Therefore, air-purifying plants that remove pollutants and harmful substances from the atmosphere have become more attractive and attracted people’s attention. Common indoor pollutants include:

  • Formaldehyde
  • Carbon monoxide
  • Ammonia
  • Benzene 
  • Toluene  

The following ten air purification plants have been selected. They can effectively remove volatile organic compounds and achieve the effects of purifying the air and adjusting humidity.

  • Golden kudzu: It can effectively eliminate formaldehyde in the air and is easy to plant.
  • Beautiful rough rib: The leaves have a variety of patterns, which are very shade tolerant and easy to grow.
  • Boston kidney fern has a significant water loss effect and can effectively eliminate formaldehyde.
  • Flamingo: It can eliminate carbon monoxide and ammonia, and its buds are beautiful, so it is pretty popular.
  • Point-tailed aunt taro: The leaves are large and have a unique fresh style. It can eliminate chemicals emitted by machines and is suitable for offices.
  • Chevrolet Coconut: Their effect of evapotranspiration is significant, and their ability to eliminate volatile chemicals is also excellent.
  • Guanyin Palm Bamboo: It absorbs ammonia and can grow anywhere.
  • Yellow coconut. NASA selected this plant as the first indoor air purification plant.
  • Ficus Bengal: The most representative indoor foliage plant, with glossy leaves as its most distinctive feature.
  • Banzai Linton: Its ability to purify the air is superior, and can grow in a relatively poor environment. The tree shape is unique and suitable for viewing.

Note tree shape is the appearance of the comprehensive tree’s root, stem, branch, leaf, and other conditions.

What Is The Role Of a CAM Plant?

Air plants (Tillandsias) are a type of plant that uses the CAM (Crassulacean Acid Metabolism) pathway to conserve water. This pathway allows plants to open their stomata (stomata are tiny openings or pores in plant tissue that allow for gas exchange) at night when the air is cooler and more humid, then close during the day when it is hot and dry. 

This prevents the plants from losing too much water through evaporation. In addition, Tillandsia air plants have particular pores on their leaves that absorb fog, providing them with another moisture source. 

As a result, these plants can thrive in hot, dry environments where other plants would quickly wilt and die.

Suitable For The Bedroom: Top 10 Plants That Improve Sleep Quality

Plants usually open their stomata daily, absorb carbon dioxide, and perform photosynthesis. However, they do not absorb carbon dioxide at night but also inhale oxygen due to respiration. 

Therefore, the carbon dioxide concentration near the plants is relatively high at night. Therefore, based on the above reasons, placing CAM plants that perform photosynthesis at night in a bedroom with weak light is recommended.

CAM plants perform photosynthesis at night, absorb carbon dioxide and store it at night, and release it to the chloroplast for photosynthesis during the day, providing glucose to the plant. Most succulents belong to CAM metabolizing plants. These include:

  • Air pineapple: No soil needed – an ideal plant to purify the air in your bedroom.
  • Sansevieria is a representative plant of CAM metabolizing plants that is easy to care for.
  • Green Diamond Philodendron: Their leaves are glossy and dark red, so they are pretty beautiful in the bedroom.
  • Variegata: The leaves are gorgeous, adaptable to light, and can grow in dim places.
  • Stone Pen Tiger Orchid: It can be placed in a small space and is easy to care for.
  • Ivy: When the room is insufficient, it can be planted in a suspended manner, or placed on a shelf on the wall, allowing the branches and leaves to hang naturally, which is more beautiful.
  • One-leaf orchid: The tree is elegant and easy to plant.
  • Malabar chestnut: The contrast between thick branches and soft leaves is charming.
  • Golden Lily Bamboo: Grows in low light, with lush foliage that looks vibrant.
  • Guanyin Brown Bamboo: Putting it in the bedroom has a high-end feeling.

Suitable For The Kitchen: Top 10 Air Purifying Plants That Eliminate Harmful Gases

The risk of developing lung cancer among non-smoking women is increasing yearly, partly because of spending long hours in the kitchen. 

Housewives will fill the air with carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, and other substances because of gas, ovens, and other heating appliances. Therefore, placing air-purifying plants in the kitchen can reduce harmful gases. 

If your kitchen is well-lit, consider growing herbs that can be added directly to your dishes. Here are some examples:

  • Lavender. A charming scent grows well indoors as long as there is good ventilation, adequate moisture, and good light.
  • Aloe vera: has the effect of eliminating harmful substances and purifying the air.
  • Golden kudzu: One of the plants with the most remarkable impact on absorbing toxic gases.
  • Rosemary: A type of herb that is often used in food.
  • Mint: It grows well in low light and grows fast, but its leaves must be plucked frequently.
  • Circular-leaved Purple Taurus: Flowers, fruits, and leaves have high ornamental value and are easy to plant.
  • Hanging bamboo grass: In winter, the bottom of the leaves will turn pink, which is easy to grow.
  • Heguo taro: a representative plant among foliage plants, has a high absorption rate of harmful gases.
  • Ivy: Has the effect of absorbing toxic gases.
  • Cup-shaped cover Yinshi fern: has the effect of eliminating formaldehyde.

Perfect For The Bathroom: Top 10 Odor-Removing Plants That Can Grow Anywhere

  • Button vine: Avoid direct light and grow well.
  • Medallion Arrowroot: The leaves are gorgeous in color and can become a visual focus when placed indoors.
  • Golden kudzu: Fix the leaves on the rack for the best decorative effect.
  • Boston Kidney Fern: A bright color that brings a fresh vibe to a bathroom with low light.
  • Mountain Su flower: can adapt to the environment with high humidity. The color is bright, and it increases the brightness when placed in a dark place.
  • White Crane lily can also grow in a dim, low-temperature environment.
  • Guanyin palm bamboo: the effect of removing ammonia is the best.
  • Ivy: Let the leaves perch on the shelf and climb up. The decoration effect is best.
  • Pocket Coconut: Small, prosperous leaves bring a fresh vibe and can also be cultivated with hydroponics.
  • Phalaenopsis: It can also grow in a shady environment, preferring an environment with high humidity.

As you can see, plants have many benefits in your space. Not only do they remove harmful gases, but many of these plants also look beautiful and can be used to decorate your room.

We’ve listed 33 different types of air-purifying plants that you can grow indoors and impact your space. We hope we have helped you see which ones you’d like to add to your home.

Thanks for reading!